Elder Financial Fraud

Elder Financial Fraud is the illegal or improper use of an older person’s funds or property, whether by a known or unknown person.  With the Baby Boomer generation creating record numbers of senior Americans, these crimes are becoming an increasing threat to our populace.

According to the U.S. Justice Department, 1 in 20 older adults experience financial exploitation each year, but due to a reluctance to report, only 1 in 44 incidents of elder financial abuse is reported to authorities.

This department is committed to the vigorous prosecution of these crimes. This team serves as a community resource – addressing the special needs of elderly victims through a mission of prosecution, education and deterrence.

In addition to prosecuting the offenders, the attorneys and investigators of this unit meet with seniors through community organizations and our law enforcement partners to educate them on how to protect themselves from this form of abuse.  We will:

  • Instruct bank and credit union employees how to protect the financial assets of their elderly customers,
  • Train police and public safety personnel to be aware of special issues involving elders, and
  • Work with established community services to develop a comprehensive approach to serving our senior population.

Our unit also works closely with our community partners and the media to spread important information about elder financial fraud.  Offenders must be made aware of the harsh consequences they will face in Tarrant County for victimizing our senior citizens.


For additional information, please read our Elder Financial Fraud brochure, which includes:

  • Red Flag Indicators for Elder Financial Fraud
  • Tips for Preventing Elder Financial Abuse
  • Common Elder Fraud Scams
  • Contact Information for Helpful Resources

Additional Information