Judge Mary Tom Cravens Curnutt

Welcome to the website of your Precinct 2 Justice Court in the heart of historic Downtown Arlington! As your Judge, I am honored to preside over one of the busiest and most productive courts in all of Texas. Our Court handles over 15,000 filings annually in areas such as Evictions, Civil Small Claims, Debt Cases, and Class C offenses including Traffic and Failure to Attend School.
In addition, our Court holds many Administrative Hearings including Towing, Property Seizures, Driver’s License Suspensions, Handgun License Revocations and Essential Needs Licenses.
Our Court is also happy to perform Marriages.
We are committed to serving the citizens of Tarrant County Precinct 2 by providing fair, efficient, effective and economical resolutions to all things handled by our Court.
Judge Mary Tom Curnutt
Please be advised that on January 1, 2022, in accordance with S.B. 41, the filing fee for Justice Court civil suits will increase from $46 to $54. In addition to the increased fee, motions for new trial and appeals will now require this filing fee to be paid at the time of filing.
Please visit our JP2 COVID-19 INFORMATION section for procedures regarding court appearances for those who are part of a vulnerable population and for those displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
To schedule a wedding ceremony, please call the court at 817-548-3925.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the court by phone at 817-548-3925 or email us.
For your convenience, we now offer E-Filing. Use EFile Texas to file new cases and add additional documents to existing Small Claim, Evictions and Debt Claim cases. Documents must be scanned into the program before filing. It is important to remember that you may incur additional fees for copies. The fees PER CASE are $1 for the first page and 25 cents for every page thereafter.
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Office Info
Southeast Subcourthouse
700 E. Abram, Suite 200
Arlington, Texas 76010
Phone: 817-548-3925
Fax: 682-255-3960
E-mail Us
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
All financial transactions must be completed 30 minutes prior to close of business.
All filings must be filed with enough copies to be served on each defendant, in accordance with TCRP 501.1(d); otherwise, each copy made by the court is $1 per page (see copy request fees).
Justice Court 2 follow the same Severe Weather Policy as the Arlington Independent School District (AISD). If AISD delays its opening or is closed, Justice Court 2 will do so as well. Please call our office to confirm closure or delay.
Important Information
House Bill 2398[84(R) – 2015] Mandates the expunction of all failure to attend school cases as of September 1, 2015. Accordingly, all such cases are dismissed as of that date. No payments, community service, return to show proof of graduation or report card, or any other requirements set by the Court or the Criminal District Attorney's Office are due or will be accepted. The Court is in the process of expunging all records.This does not change the status of Parent Contributing to Non-Attendance cases.