As rules and procedures change, Justice Court, Pct. 1 will display any vital information under our Important Notices Page.
Click here to read about the latest changes to the operations of the Justice Court, Pct.1.
Beginning March 1, 2023, to ensure Court begins promptly at the scheduled time, all parties must check in for the trial/hearing at least 20 minutes before their scheduled time as specified in the hearing/trial notice.
- Parties who appear on or after the court session starts will not be allowed access to the court session/room.
- Failure to appear on time could result in a judgment against a party and/or dismissal of their claim.
If you encounter an emergency, contact the Court immediately at 817-884-1395 before your appointed time to appear.
Effective immediately, ALL Eviction hearings will be held in person.
For your convenience we now offer two ways to eFile:
Guide & File:
- Allows filers to simply answer a series of questions to help prepare and file your court forms online.
EFile Texas:
- eFiling is a way for you to file and send your documents to the court online, electronically from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
For more information, visit our Inquire about E-File Section Below.
Other Court Information and Resources
Court Information
1895 Courthouse
100 W. Weatherford St, Room 450
Fort Worth, TX 76196
Phone: 817-884-1395
Fax: 817-850-2342
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
E-mail Us
New case filings are accepted until 4 p.m., with the exception of appeals.

Ralph Swearingin Jr.
Justice Court Judge
Court Manager
Assistant Court Manager
Administrative Court Clerk
Administrative Court Clerk
Administrative Court Clerk
Administrative Court Clerk
Administrative Court Clerk
Administrative Court Clerk
Important Updates
Justice Court 1 follows the same Severe Weather Policy as the Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD). If FWISD delays its opening or is closed, Justice Court 1 will do so as well. However, call our office to confirm closure or delay.
Accessibility Notice: Due to the complexity of the preceding documents, these documents are scanned images. If you require assistance in accessing the information, please contact Justice Court One at 817-884-1395.