You can be excused from jury service if:
- You are 75 years of age or older. This exemption is also available on a permanent basis. If you want a permanent exemption from jury service, please tell the jury services personnel.
- You have legal custody of a child under the age of 12 and jury service would necessitate leaving this child without adequate supervision. This exemption does not apply if you work outside the home during normal business hours. You may be excused if you are working part-time or unusual hours. Send an email to juryroom@tarrantcounty.com to explain your situation.
- You are a high school or college student in actual attendance. You must be attending during hours that would conflict with your jury service. Jury service is usually 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please provide documentation by fax or email schedule to juryroom@tarrantcounty.com.
- You are an officer or employee of the Senate, the House of Representatives or any department, commission, board, office or any agency in the legislative branch of state government. This exemption does not apply to a person who is just a member of a board: (A) To be an officer means president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, etc.; (B) To be an employee means to be on the payroll of the Senate, House, committee, board or any agency in the legislative branch.
Police Officers, Deputies, and Peace Officers are not part of the legislative branch of government.
- You have served as a petit juror in the last 24 months prior to the date you are to appear for this summons. This means that you were one of six or twelve jurors chosen for a trial and were sworn in by the judge.
- is the primary caretaker of a person who is unable to care for himself or herself. To qualify for this exemption, you must be the primary caretaker. Invalids in nursing facilities or residential homes have caretakers on site. If you work as a healthcare provider, you are not eligible for this exemption.
- Medical conditions. If you have a medical condition which would make it impossible or difficult to serve as a juror, it is necessary that you provide a letter from your doctor, indicating the nature of your illness and why it would prevent you from serving. If you are on social security disability, you may send a copy of your award letter. If you have a permanent or chronic condition, you may be eligible to claim a permanent medical exemption.
- You may file your exemption online by accessing the eResponse - Online Services.
Do not mail back the summons unless you are claiming an exemption or disqualification. Please bring the entire summons with you.