vial of Monkeypox vaccine

Monkeypox vaccine is not a treatment for monkeypox and is not for people who have monkeypox.

It is a preventive measure for those 18 and older who do not have monkeypox but are at high risk of recent exposure.

Currently, there is a limited supply of the vaccine to prevent Monkeypox across the nation. The focus and priority at this time is to use the limited doses that we have received to vaccinate people at high risk of recent exposure to Monkeypox. The current outbreak is disproportionately impacting men who have sex with men (MSM) with recent history of multiple sexual or intimate close contact partners.

TCPH is following CDC guidance of PEP++ vaccination strategy. The goal with this approach is to help slow the spread of the disease, particularly for people who may have been exposed but may not have symptoms yet.

If you have symptoms of monkeypox including as rash, swollen lymph nodes, fever, chills, or new cough/sore throat, you should not receive the vaccine at this time. If you do have a rash, consult your health care provider for evaluation and possible testing.

The questions below will help to identify patients at high risk and determine vaccine eligibility under the current criteria.

Vaccine candidates must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. You have been identified by Public Health as a contact to a monkeypox case in the last 14 days.
  2. You have had multiple or anonymous sexual partners in the last 21 days.
  3. You have had direct or extended intimate physical contact in the last 14 days with someone who has tested positive for monkeypox.
  4. You have a sex partner who is showing symptoms of monkeypox, such as a rash or sores.
  5. You are on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis.
  6. You have had a diagnosis of HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, or early syphilis within the last 12 months.
  7. You have a condition that may increase your risk for severe disease if infected with monkeypox, such as HIV, atopic dermatitis, or eczema.
  8. You work in health care or in a laboratory and are involved in the diagnosis or handling of monkeypox specimens.