Stop West Nile Virus. Eliminate mosquitoes. Use repellent. Wear long clothing.

West Nile Virus (WNV) is a potentially serious illness. Experts believe WNV is a seasonal epidemic of the summer months, just like influenza is to winter. West Nile Virus can be transmitted year-round whenever mosquitoes are biting, which is why it is best to protect yourself all year.



Everyone is at risk of being affected by West Nile virus. Check our West Nile virus information on this site for facts about West Nile Virus and WNV prevention tips. Our West Nile Virus Toolkit also contains helpful information you can share.


Every resident can Take Control and Stop West Nile Virus.  Mosquitoes must have standing water in which to begin their life cycle. Almost any container or area of standing water presents a potential "mosquito nursery" in which eggs can be laid. Residents are encouraged to eliminate mosquito-breeding areas from their yards and community.