2017 Tarrant County Public Health Arborviral Surveillance and Mosquito Control Program

Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika Testing Supplemental Information

TCPH Zika Virus Testing Interim Guidance

Zika Virus Specimen Submission Form and Instructions

Zika Travel Notices (updated daily by CDC)


Additional links:


CDC Guidance for Travel and Testing of Pregnant Women and Women of Reproductive Age for Zika Virus Infection Related to the Investigation for Local Mosquito-borne Zika Virus Transmission in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, Florida


CDC MMWR - Interim Guidelines for Pregnant Women During a Zika Virus Outbreak — United States, 2016


COCA Conference Call. Zika Virus — What Clinicians Need to Know.


Interim Guidelines for Health Care Providers Caring for Infants and Children with Possible Zika Virus Infection — United States (February 2016)


Interim Guidelines for Health Care Providers Caring for Pregnant Women and Women of Reproductive Age with Possible Zika Virus Exposure — United States, 2016 (March 25, 2016)


Interim Guidance for Prevention of Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus - United States, 2016 (March 25, 2016)


Interim Guidelines for the Evaluation and Testing of Infants with Possible Congenital Zika Virus Infection — United States, 2016.


Preventing Transmission of Zika Virus in Labor and Delivery Settings Through Implementation of Standard Precautions -- United States, 2016 (March 25, 2016)

Updated diagnostic testing for Zika, chikungunya, and dengue viruses in US Public Health Laboratories. Accessed 2/3/2016.