Zika virus mosquito

Transmission of the mosquito-borne Zika virus has become established in Mexico, the Caribbean and several countries in South and Central America. At this time, Texas has reported a very small number of imported cases, including here in Tarrant County.

TCPH continues to monitor and has also established a Zika Hotline: 817-321-4709.

Arbovirus infections, including those caused by Zika virus, are reportable to TCPH at 817-321-5350.

Arborvirus Surveillance Reports, along with other related information, can be found on our Mosquito-borne Illness Season webpage.






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TCPH has produced a video that can help residents learn how to eliminate mosquito breeding sites around their homes. Please feel free to share this video by clicking on the arrow at the upper right portion of the screen.

A Spanish version of this video is also available.

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