Teen Videofest 2021
Teen Videofest 2021
It's now underway!
Now in its 21st year, Teen Videofest is once again challenging the youth of Tarrant County to take part in an event that matters to their health.
This year's competition is focusing on COVID-19 and Social Justice. Click the flier for more information and as always, direct message or email us at teenvideofest@tarrantcounty.com if you have any questions!
About Teen Videofest
Teen VideoFest offers teenagers the chance to speak out -- through video -- on an aspect of teen health that they feel is important.
Teen VideoFest, a project of Tarrant County Public Health, is also a contest that provides teenagers with a meaningful, exciting and worthwhile project that requires compassion, creativity, cooperation and team work. It's also a project that can have a lasting impact, improve health and maybe save someone's life. The community benefits by having the opportunity to see serious teen health issues, problems and threats through teenage eyes.
More importantly, Teen VideoFest gives our teens a meaningful and enjoyable way to help other teens improve their health and well-being through the positive messages they incorporate in their videos.