Kathy Hamer Beck Collection

Paternal Grandmother Mary Puckett Jordan   Sisters, Mallie Robertson and Georgia Anne Robertson Grandfather George Robertson and first wife Laticia Anne Robertson
Summary: The donor found items in this collection in the attic of her Forest Park home; 1937 Forest Park Blvd.  She gave them to her son-in-law Dustin Ater who delivered them to the Archives.  The donor has since sold this home and no longer lives at this address.  The items once belonged to Vida Maye Jordan Minyard, who was born in Grand Prairie, Texas, in 1905 and moved to Fort Worth in 1930.  Each of the tintypes, excepting one, was in an envelope with handwriting on the exterior -- providing the source of the identifications below. 
  • Emergency Record and Guide - Lists relatives and friends, funeral arrangements and wishes of Vida Maye Jordan Minyard. The date of December 12, 1977, is on the back. The book was printed and provided by Mount Olivet Cemetery.
  • Warranty Deed and Contract of Vida Maye Jordan Minyard with Mount Olivet Cemetery
  • Red plastic covered address book belonging to Vida Maye Jordan Minyard.  Lists on front inside cover "Old Jordan Home Place 705 North East 28th Street Grand Prairie" - this location is now Bowles Park in Grand Prairie.
  • Flower print covered address book, no date
  • Probate of estate of Willie D. Jordan, February 1, 1944
  • Letter from Rattikin Title Company, dated November 7, 1945, regarding sale of inherited land
  • Warranty Deed of land in the W.H. Jasper Survey, Tarrant County
  • Twenty envelopes with no letters dated 1887-1907
  • Letter-sized card with genealogical information on Robertson family
  • Tintype Photograph: Mallie Robertson and Georgia Anne Roberston, sisters "Mother is the small girl" (image shown) Tintype Photograph: Aunt Nancy Robertson "Mother's Aunt"
  • Tintype Photograph: Three unknown men - one has an X over his head and bears a strong resemblance to Grandfather George Robertson in next image.  Possibly brothers of Grandfather George Robertson on either side of him.
  • Tintype Photograph: Grandfather George Robertson and first wife Laticia Anne Roberston (image shown)
  • Tintype Photograph: Georgia Anne Roberston and a cousin in Illinois
  • Tintype Photograph: Grandmother Jordan "Dad's Mother"  Mary Puckett Jordan (image shown)