Thelma Ray
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Image Gallery
Birdville School, 1942-1943 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1921-1922 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1924 (007-031-178)
Thelma Ray, seated far right, 1954 (009-037-178)
Quanah Parker (095-018-178)
Elizabeth Jane Turner (095-018-178)
Birdville School, 1942-1943 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1924 (007-031-178)
Thelma Ray (009-037-178)
O.H. Stowe Elementary built 1959-1960 (009-037-178)
Birdville Cemetery Dedication, 1976 (095-018-178)
Birdville School, 1909 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1946-1947 (007-031-178)
Quanah Parker and unidentified man (095-018-178)
First Marathon Dance, Fort Worth, 1929 (095-018-178)
Birdville School, 1925 (007-031-178)
Thelma Ray and O.H. Stowe (009-037-178)
Birdville School, 1921 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1920-1921 (009-037-178)
Birdville School, 1949-1950 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1926-1927 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1953-1954 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1926-1927 (007-031-178)
O.H. Stowe at O.H. Stowe Elementary School, Birdville, circa 1959-1960 (095-018-178)
Birdville School, 1925 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1933 (095-018-178)
Birdville School, 1947-1948 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1922-1923 (007-031-178)
Watagua Presbyterian Church (009-037-178)
Quanah Parker and two wives, Tawnay and Twonicey, circa 1904 (095-018-178)
Birdville Cemetery Marker Dedication, 1976 (095-018-178)
Georgia Reeves holding Ray Portwood, circa 1922 (095-018-178)
Jim Heffington (095-018-178)
Melbourne Booth Reeves (095-018-178)
Birdville School, 1926-1927 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1946-1947 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1932 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, undated (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1953-1954 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1921 (009-037-178)
Quanah Parker (095-018-178)
Birdville School, 1949-1950 (007-031-178)
Merrell family portrait (095-018-178)
Aerial of Birdville High School, 1939 (095-018-178)
Birdville School, 1950-1951 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1922 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, 1822 (095-018-178)
Birdville School, 1913 (007-031-178)
Verna Patton (095-018-178)
Thelma Ray (009-037-178)
Birdville School, 1950-1951 (007-031-178)
Birdville School, undated (009-037-178)
Fort Worth Fiesta-Cade, 1949 (009-037-178)
Birdville School, 1947-1948 (007-031-178)