EHE Grant Subrecipients: Expanding Our Reach into the Community!

EHE proudly shares our grant funding with two subrecipients within Tarrant County:


CAN Community Health

Our mission is to inspire and contribute to the health and well-being of those affected by HIV, Hepatitis C, and other STIs by providing the best care through outreach, integrated clinical practice, advocacy, education, and research.

With the help of EHE funding, CAN Community Health provides mobile and in-clinic HIV and Hepatitis C testing, HIV-related treatment, PrEP and PEP services, distribution of condoms throughout the community, and harm reduction services including overdose prevention, training, and Naloxone kits.


One Safe Place

This family justice center brings together a multi-agency network under one roof, dedicated to providing coordinated services to victims of domestic violence and their children. These services include counseling, children’s advocacy, drop-ion childcare, food and clothing assistance, immigration services, job skills training, referral to law enforcement, legal assistance, parenting and relationship education, spiritual support, victim advocacy and case management, and healthcare / wellness advocacy.

Survivors of domestic violence, or inter-personal violence (IPV) are at higher risk for contracting HIV. With the help of EHE funding, One Safe Place provides education and information on the intersection of IPV and HIV, as well as providing referrals to survivors for HIV testing and care.