The EHE team

This program serves to prevent the spread of HIV in the greater Tarrant County area through: testing and care of those exposed to HIV, helping those living with and/or those vulnerable to HIV, responding to HIV-related outbreaks, reducing stigma associated with HIV, and assisting affected community members to overcome any barriers they face to obtaining health care.


Free Services

  • Social-Service Resource Guidance through our EHE Care Coordinator
  • HIV/STI Testing Resources
  • Interactive Holistic-Health Community Event Coordination and Participation
  • Sexual Health Education
  • HIV-Related Education



Connecting clients to resources

The EHE Care Coordinator helps connect people living with HIV and those who are vulnerable to HIV to social services within Tarrant County. These resources include:

  • PrEP, PEP and HIV-related care
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Mental Health
  • Food Insecurity
  • Medical Care
  • Substance-Use / Abuse Care
  • Healthcare Benefits   

Contact our Care Coordinator



How To Help Prevent HIV

  • Learn more about HIV
  • Get tested for HIV regularly
  • Talk about HIV with friends, family, and coworkers
  • Invite us to participate in your community events
  • Schedule HIV-related education for your organization and staff
  • Contact us for mobile testing resources for HIV/STIs to have at your next event
  • Refer community members who need assistance with social services to our EHE Care Coordinator
  • Volunteer with your local community organization to help people impacted by HIV (contact us for information on these organizations)