picture of microbe, Delta Variant B.1.617.2

The resurgence of COVID-19

When I last posted, I had hoped that COVID-19 cases would continue to drop.
Sadly, we're seeing a resurgence of COVID-19, specifically the Delta variant, which is a mutated form of COVID-19. It is more aggressive and contagious.
All of our indicators are going up. The "curve" is rising again. Our local hospitals have ICUs filled with patients --many of whom were not vaccinated for COVID-19.

We continue to offer the COVID-19 vaccine at different locations and are including it at our annual Back-To-School immunization events.


We've begun mobile testing and have these units rotating among the various Tarrant County precincts as well as testing sites in several areas of the county.
It is true that some people can still get a "breakthrough infection" with the COVID-19 Delta variant after having been fully vaccinated. HOWEVER, the effects are much less pronounced for those previously vaccinated than for those who aren't. Our data is showing that the odds are better surviving COVID-19 if one has been vaccinated. Hospitals are telling us that majority of their COVID patients are unvaccinated.
So, your best bet against COVID-19 and its variants is to get vaccinated. The vaccines are meant to prevent severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. They are not perfect, like most other vaccines, but they provide good protection and your odds of surviving COVID-19 vastly improve when you’ve been vaccinated.
There are lots of places you can go for a vaccine, including our own public health clinics.
We also advise people to wear masks in mixed company of vaccinated and unvaccinated people and when going about into crowds.
Bottom line: if you're not feeling well and have some of the symptoms, get tested and vaccinated. If you have questions or doubts, talk to your healthcare provider.


Veerinder "Vinny" Taneja

Director, Tarrant County Public Health