Springtime in North Texas

I'm happy to report that COVID-19 related deaths in Tarrant County are on the decline. On Tuesday, April 12, there were no COVID-19 deaths in Tarrant County. We haven't had a day like that since December 6 of last year. COVID-19 disease activity is at a low in Tarrant County. It is time to get out and enjoy our nice spring weather. We certainly hope this trend continues.

Sadly, we can't say the pandemic has ended. There are lots of COVID-19 hotspots in the U.S. as well as around the world. So we're recommending that anyone travelling should get their vaccines, their boosters and mask up.

blubonnets, grazing horses, sunrise

I'm also happy to report flu cases are coming down, which is the seasonal pattern for the flu. However, we are keeping a close watch on a large Bird Flu outbreak that has spread to almost 27 states including Texas. It is the H5N1 Avian Influenza. Typically, we have seen this limited to bird populations. Public Health, USDA and Poultry industry has responded swiftly to curb the spread and are monitoring further activity.
There also are signs of early West Nile Virus activity. Neighboring Dallas County recently announced their first positive West Nile case for 2022. So we're remaining vigilant to a possible early arrival of the West Nile Virus in Tarrant County. There are ways you can help too.
Stay healthy, stay safe, stay tuned and stay informed.


Veerinder "Vinny" Taneja

Director, Tarrant County Public Health