Measles and Mosquitoes

No doubt you've heard news of measles cases springing up locally and nationally. Did you know that year-round transmission of measles was declared eliminated in the United States back in 2000? And yet, these cases have appeared. Regardless of where they came from, we now know a major factor they have in common is that they happened AMONG THE UNVACCINATED.

AND DID YOU KNOW: vaccines by themselves do not kill diseases. They merely enhance an individual's immune system, so the body's defenses will better recognize and work harder to eliminate the invading disease.


boy covers eyes while getting vaccinated

Most people who've been vaccinated have immune systems that are more capable of fighting off the disease the vaccine was prepared for. Admittedly, not every vaccine is perfect, nor is every immune system the same. 

But having an immune system enhanced by the MMR vaccine greatly improves a person's defense against measles, mumps and rubella.

History shows this to be true.

As a health advocate, I encourage everyone to learn more about vaccines --but learn about them from reliable sources with a proven record of effectiveness.

As a parent, I want my children to have the strongest immune system they can. So I encourage parents to get your school-age children vaccinated early --preferably from now through July-- so you'll beat the lines of August.

Our clinics are ready for you right now!

If you're not sure what shots they need, check our Immunizations web page.

As if measles weren't bad enough, we may soon have mosquitoes to contend with. Battling them isn't as easy as getting a shot. But we have some great resources you can tap into right now.

See you on the battle front!



Verrinder "Vinny" Taneja,

Director, Tarrant County Public Health