Heat wanes as the flu looms

We're grateful the summer heat has waned but this means that flu season, typically running from October through March, is now upon us. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention's early estimates indicate that more than 900,000 people were hospitalized and more than 80,000 people died from flu during the 2017-2018 flu season.

There is no way to accurately predict the severity of any flu season, but we continue to advise residents that the best protection against the flu is to get a flu shot and stay healthy. It takes about two weeks for the vaccine to take full effect, once it's in your body.  

Public Health Director Vinny Taneja getting flu shot

While flu vaccines are no guarantee against the disease, getting a flu shot not only lessens your chance of getting the flu, it still gives your body some protection, lessens the damage flu can do to you, and in most cases lessens the duration of the illness. With a flu shot, the flu may knock you down, but it won't keep you down.

Tarrant County Public Health clinics offer flu vaccine for a reasonable price. We have public health centers located throughout Tarrant County for your convenience. But it doesn't matter where you get your shot, as long as you get a shot.


Veerinder (Vinny) Taneja

Tarrant County Public Health Director