COVID-19, Monkeypox and HEAT

We are seeing COVID-19 cases increasing locally. Tarrant County has moved from low spread to high. We've also notice Omicron variants BA4 and BA5 in our area and are keeping an eye on them. It is possible to get COVID-19 more than once. For those who had their COVID-19 shots earlier, those vaccines were not a match for these current variants, so you may want to get another booster.

There still are COVID-19 hot spots in the country so we're asking people who may be traveling to be aware of what the COVID-19 status is wherever their going and take appropriate precautions.

guy hot, drinking water

We're also watching the worldwide Monkeypox outbreak. As of today, July 25 there are 12 confirmed monkeypox cases in Tarrant County.  So far, these cases don't pose the danger to the public that COVID-19 still does.

And as it's the middle of summer, we're facing extreme temperatures over the next few weeks. Heat-related deaths in Tarrant County have been reported by the Medical Examiner. We urge everyone to take our current extreme heat situation as a serious health hazard and take precautions accordingly against heat injuries. PLEASE do not leave pets or small children alone in cars when it's this hot.

Let's stay alert and proactive to these things and we'll get through this hot summer together.

Oh, and for parents with school-age children, we'll be starting up Back-to-School immunization events next month.

Stay alert, stay healthy, stay safe and stay informed.


Veerinder "Vinny" Taneja

Director, Tarrant County Public Health