Flu season is here

flu season word cloud

Even though it's seasonal, influenza (the flu) is one of the toughest diseases to predict. A nice summer and a warm fall tend to lull people into believing the flu is no big deal.

But it is!

Flu kills several thousand people across U.S. every year and it is preventable. Last year was a very heavy flu season --one of the strongest we have seen in this decade. What this season brings is anyone's guess, but we need to be prepared.

The Southern Hemisphere had a rough season while we were enjoying our summer. That typically doesn't bode well for us in the U.S. when we get into our flu season.

There are several things you can to do protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu. We suggest those who are especially vulnerable to flu get a flu shot as soon as they can. It takes at least two weeks after the shot for one's body to develop the necessary antibodies to deal with flu.

There are also a lot of places to get an inexpensive flu shot besides our clinics, so it doesn't matter where you get one as long as you get one.

May your autumn be healthy and safe.

Verrinder "Vinny" Taneja,

Director, Tarrant County Public Health